As I mentioned in my previous post during the Superboy TV series there were some episodes where Superboy is introduced to alternate universes. In one his rocket fell to earth on another farm where a very ambitious and ruthless man took the baby Kal-El under his wing and turned him into a world conqueror. This world is revealed as being rather bleak and far more backward than our reality, with the ruling Superboy, called the Sovereign, using his powers to suppress dissent and probably a lot of initiative and enlightenment in the process. Even his uniform is darker, with a more burgundy-hued cape and "S" sign and black leather boots and gauntlets. Ironically on this world Lex Luthor is leading the resistance with Lana Lang as his chief lieutenant. Lana and the Sovereign apparently have a history but in the end of the story she's the one who takes out the bad Superboy. The figure is a Star Wars General Madine and the cape is from the cloak of an Imperial Guard, while the head is once again from a Battlestar Galactica Starbuck.
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