Every good villain deserves to have a whole gang of minions to carry out his or her every larcenous whim. When I saw the movie Batman Forever, starring Val Kilmer, I noticed that Two-Face had a gang of goons, who were sort of leathered out and wearing masks with alternating red and black sides. I rather liked the looks of them and thought they were appropriate as Two-Face's goons. So I went ahead and knocked out a few of them. The figures I used were, starting top row left to right, Wolverine with alternate arms, Clark Kent and Toy Biz's Bob (the Joker's goon), and bottom row left to right, Bane and Jack Tenrec from Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. The heads were from Toy Biz Daredevil figures for the most part, although Bane kept his own head. These were minor modifications and moderate painting but gave me a bunch of goons for Two-Face without too much trouble. Always gotta have those minions - they're sort of like the guys with the red shirts in the original Star Trek series.
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