Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Similar Super Covers

I've been trying to get this uploaded since yesterday but finally had to load the covers individually. Just another "technical difficulty" in a life replete with them. Anyway, the Adventure Comics #392, April 1970 Supergirl tale is a comic I've had for a long time but recently I stumbled across an image of the cover from Superboy #48, April 1956 and noted certain similarities so I bought the issue on ebay. In the older Superboy tale Clark Kent (secretly Superboy) is being severely chastised by the hot young blonde teacher for not wearing a Superboy costume like his classmates. In the later Supergirl story Linda Danvers (secretly Supergirl) is being chastened by her bespeckled male teacher also for not wearing a super suit like her classmates. In both stories there is a Superboy or Supergirl Day proclaimed and that's why everyone is wearing the suit. In both stories there are reasons why the hero/heroine are not wearing their costumes, although the reason for the whole celebration is more nefarious in the Supergirl tale. A couple of things sort of jumped out at me from the two covers and stories as cultural commentary. First off, in the older tale, although it's Superboy Day, both boys and girls are wearing the suit, while in the later tale from 14 years later only the girls are dressed in the Supergirl costume - guess they didn't want to have the boys in drag. Culturally it is interesting to note that all the kids on the Superboy cover are white while there is actually a black girl on the Supergirl cover. This was not particularly uncommon back in the 1950's where blacks only used to show up in jungle comic tales as the natives. I actually used the Supergirl cover as inspiration for some conversions, but more on that in a future post - I didn't want to clutter things up too much. As I was reading the Superboy story I seemed to remember it from my youth and probably had the comic at one time, but it wasn't a tale I really remembered. I may need to start working on a few suitably costumed young men and women action figures as supporting cast for Superboy now.

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